Traveller Enterprise & Employment Policy Programme
Between 2019 and 2021, SSGT had an operational policy programme to contribute to measures which increase the participation of Travellers in enterprise and employment. The programme is now closed and there are no further grants available.
SSGT made a 3-yr grant to Bounceback Recycling (2022-2024) to support its work on becoming a research and development hub for Traveller enterprise and employment as part of its expansion programme.
The Traveller Justice Initiative continues to work on employment issues as they relate to Traveller prisoners and ex-prisoners.
This programme has closed and is not open for grant applications.
In May 2019 SSGT published ‘Mincéir Gruber Malaid Streed, What next for Traveller Employment’. The report explored why low numbers of Travellers access and progress through education, training and labour market settings. It also examines the lack of visibility of Travellers within much of our education, employment and inclusion policies. The objective was to contribute to knowledge on how and why high numbers of Travellers are unemployed, to reflect the current policy context and to make some recommendations.
Early in 2020, SSGT commissioned ValuesLab to undertake a qualitative study to contribute to the body of knowledge on the experiences of Travellers in accessing, participating and progressing in employment, to provide insights for policymakers, employers and trade unions to enable their action on issues of Traveller labour market participation.
Mincéir Misl’er a Tom Tober – Travellers in the Mainstream Labour Market: Situation, Experience and Identity was launched by Minister Joe O’Brien on 13th April 2021.
It found that ‘connectors’ play a key role in helping Travellers get into the labour market and recommends public sector work experience and internship programmes, and an expansion of Traveller employment liaison staff under Department of Social Protection.
The report says improving Traveller employment needs to become a significant focus for Government policy and strategy if the 80% unemployment rate amongst Travellers is to be tackled. It is based on detailed qualitative interviews with Travellers working in a range of employment settings, and further interviews with employers, trade unions and policy makers.
Between 2019 and 2021 SSGT also produced a number of other papers and briefing documents which are available on our website:
Lalor, T. (2020) NITRIS employment actions update. Dublin: SSGT
Lalor, T. (2021) Examples of positive action measures to enhance employment of under-represented groups. Dublin: SSGT
SSGT (2020) What does the future hold for Traveller Employment and Enterprise? Traveller Specific Enterprise & Employment Initiatives. Dublin: SSGT
SSGT (2021) Briefing Sheet: Ethnic Data Collection – Sept 2021. Dublin: SSGT
Funders: This programme is funded by a family foundation advised by Porticus and the Discalced Carmelites.