If you are in receipt of a grant from SSGT and have a query, please get in touch with us. Contact details are here.

The following notes may be useful:

Grant Criteria

Each grant programme has specific criteria but these general conditions apply to every grant:

  • Funds must be used solely for charitable objects and for the purpose(s) specified on the application to SSGT and the grant offer form.
  • An account of the expenditure of the funds and a report on the specific project or programme must be submitted within one year of receipt of the award or on completion of the purpose specified, whichever is the sooner. The deadline dates for your grant will be given to you.
  • Grant reports are an important opportunity for grantees to reflect on the original objectives and gather information around what was learned over the grant period. Evaluation forms will generally be given at the start of the grant so the type of information to be collected is clear.
  • SSGT requests acknowledgement of the grant in material produced by the organisation as part of the project or in annual reports. An SSGT logo is available on request.
  • The grant should be separately disclosed in the organisation’s financial statements either on the Income & Expenditure account or in a note to the accounts.
  • Any breach of the above conditions will result in the termination of the award and will prejudice further applications for funds.
  • All grants are listed in SSGT’s Annual Report.

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL)

SSGT is committed to reflecting on the impact of our grants and the effectiveness and success of our work, in keeping with our ethos of using our funds in an effective and strategic way to effect positive social change. It requires grantees to view the grant as a learning opportunity to reflect on what works or doesn’t work. Organisations will therefore need to build in some form of data collection from the beginning of the grant. The evaluation design is an important part of the initial grants assessment process. The MEL framework for each programme is discussed with successful grantees as soon as the grant is made.

Proportionality: SSGT aims to be proportionate in its expectations of grantees around reflecting on impact. We understand that if you are awarded a small grant for a non-complex purpose that the report will reflect that. We also aim to be realistic about the impact achievable within the funding available, and honest in terms of the role that programmes play in delivering the outcomes identified. We encourage grantees to do the same. We are interested in understanding the distance travelled towards the overall objectives as a result of the funding.

Changes to projects and project budgets

SSGT recognises that things don’t always go according to plan. We aim to be flexible with grantees if circumstances change and / or minor changes need to be made within budget headings. We suggest emailing SSGT as soon as you’re aware of the changed circumstances outlining what has happened and if you have a proposal on the best way to proceed.